Thursday, 17 November 2011

Hereford Photography Festival 2011 Fringe Programme

Hereford Photography Festival 2011 has included our Worcester Street Photography group exhibition in their Fringe Programme.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Worcester Street Photography group exhibition


This exhibition is the successful result of the Worcester Street Photography festival, which happened in July 2011. It sprung up as an attempt to create interest within the Worcester community in the range of street photography. Regarding the images will take you to trace different approaches to subjects in the everyday scene. Above all, they share a main aim: to call up feelings into the onlooker. Raise a smile... evoke memories... in short, to make an impact on their visual memory. 
We feel very proud of being part of the Hereford Photography Festival 2011 and wish you enjoy your journey through it.

Photographers: Alain Rolli, Balint Velekei, Eleanor Bennet, Katie Foulkes, Elliot Parker, Catherine Regan, and Isabel Infantes